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Startup Pitch Day | Investmates.io
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    Startup Pitch Day | Investmates.io

    02 November 2023

    "Clear your calendar for Saturday, November 4th at 12.30 PM to 1.30 PM! We're Launching our startup: Investmates.io - an AI-Powered Digital Wealth Assistant. Our data-centric platform offers insights and expertise on diverse investment products.

    Secure your spot for the online Startups pitch on Investmates.io! Discover its business model, market size, prospects, and much more.

    Investors, make sure to make this event a priority. 🚀📊

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to join the meeting and learn more about Mitra's exciting journey.

    Join us at meet.google.com/odz-zahq-fgu and be part of this exciting launch!"
