02 March 2024
The unique registered investors on the National Stock Exchange of India crossed 9 crore (90 million) on February 29th, 2024. The total number of client codes registered with the Exchange stands at 16.9 crores (169 million) (Includes all client registrations done till date; clients can register with more than one trading member). Unique investor registrations at NSE have seen an accelerating trend over the last few years. While the increase from 6 to 7 crore (60 to 70 million) unique investors took about nine months, the next crore (10 million) investors came in eight months, and the jump from 8 to 9 crores (80 to 90 million) took only five months. During this period, daily new unique registrations have averaged between nearly 47,000 in October 2023 to 78,000 in January this year. The investor base has seen more than 3x jump in the last five years, facilitated by rapid growth in digitization, rising investor awareness, financial inclusion, and strong market performance. From the beginning of FY24 up to February 29th, 2024, the Nifty 50 returned ~27%, while Nifty 500 delivered 38% return over the same period. Annualized return over the last five-year period ending February 2024 stood at 15.3% and 17.5% for Nifty 50 and Nifty 500 respectively
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