02 September 2024
Notice is hereby given that 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Capgemini Technology Services India Limited will be held on Thursday, 26 September 2024 at 3:00 P.M. through Video Conferencing (“VC”) or Other Audio Visual Means (“OAVM”) to transact the
following businesses:
Ordinary Business:
1. A. To consider and adopt: the Audited Standalone Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31 March 2024
together with the Reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditor thereon; and
B. the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31 March 2024 together with the Report of
the Auditor therein.
2. To declare a final dividend on equity shares for the Financial Year 2023-24.
3. To appoint a director in place of Mr. Ashwin Yardi (DIN: 07799277), Wholetime Director and Chief Executive Officer who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment.
4. To appoint a director in place of Ms. Aruna Jayanthi (DIN: 00817860), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
5. To appoint a director in place of Mr. Paul Hermelin (DIN: 07887276), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
6. To appoint a director in place of Mr. Aiman Ezzat (DIN: 08973737), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
7. To appoint a director in place of Ms. Maria Pernas (DIN: 09283566), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
8. To appoint a director in place of Ms. Shobha Meera (DIN: 09512374), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
9. To appoint a director in place of Ms. Anne Lebel (DIN: 10055907), Non-Executive Director who retires at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
Remote e-voting
The Company is offering e-voting facilities to its shareholders, allowing them to vote electronically on the matters listed in the AGM Notice. Shareholders who attend the AGM via video conferencing (VC) or other audio-visual means (OAVM) and have not used remote e-voting can vote during the AGM. Those who have already voted via remote e-voting can still attend the AGM.
Procedure to join AGM
The Company will provide VC or OAVM facility to its members for participating at the AGM. The login credentials used for e-voting may also be used for attending the AGM through VC or OAVM. Weblink to attend AGM: https://emeetings.kfintech.com.
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