Notice of 17th AGM to the members of Care Health Insurance Ltd. - 30th September, 2024
09 September 2024
Notice is hereby given that the 17th Annual General Meeting of Care Health Insurance Limited will be held on Monday, September 30, 2024, at 10.30 A.M. through Video Conferencing ("VC")/Other Audio Visual Means ("OAVM") to transact the following businesses:
Ordinary Business:
- To review and approve the Audited Revenue Account, Profit & Loss Statement, and the Balance Sheet of the company for FY24. This also includes the reports from the Board of Directors and the Auditors.
- To appoint a director in place of Dr. Rashmi Saluja (DIN: 01715298), who retires by rotation and is eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
- Appointment of Mr. Rishiraj Khajanchi (DIN: 07883033) is a non-executive director of the company.
- Appointment of Dr. Harsha Jauhari (DIN: 01893576) as a non-executive independent director of the company.
- Appointment of Mr. Nirmal Chand (DIN: 10041305) is a non-executive independent director of the company.
- Remuneration of Mr. Anuj Gulati, managing director & CEO of the company- fixed pay.
The approval of the shareholders of the Company be and is hereby accorded to increase the fixed remuneration of Mr. Anuj Gulati, Managing Director & CEO of the Company to Rs. 4,15,08,840/- per annum with effect from April 1, 2024.
- Performance bonus of managing director & CEO of the company - variable pay (cash component)
The shareholders approve the payment of a bonus of Rs. 3,84,34,116/- for the performance in FY24 to Mr. Anuj Gulati, Managing Director & CEO, as recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors of the Company.