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NCL holdings a merged Growth
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    NCL holdings a merged Growth

    13 December 2023

    The merger of NCL Green Habitats with NCL Holdings was approved by the Hon’ble NCLT, Hyderabad Bench on 11.10.2023. All assets and liabilities of NCL Green Habitats as of 01.04.2022 (the appointed date for the merger scheme) are being absorbed in their book values on a going concern basis by the company.

    Revenue Jump: The revenue increased by 261.69% due to a merger with a subsidiary, not an improvement in operations.

    Profitability: The profit margins increased from 7% to 10%, paralleling the rise in revenue.

    Falling Assets: The company generated positive results by selling land in Tamil Nadu but it impacted the assets

    Outlook: Anticipated income from dividends, rentals, and interest on ICDs is estimated to be Rs. 110.66 Lakhs for FY 2023-24. Ongoing construction in Telangana is expected to yield around 25,000 SFT, further impacting financials.
