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Reliance Capital Snapshot

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Reliance Capital

Reliance Capital

Reliance Capital, part of the Reliance Group, is a leading private sector financial services company in India with diversified interests across insurance, finance, broking, wealth management, and asset reconstruction.

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Basic information

Reliance Capital, part of the Reliance Group, is one of India's leading private sector financial services companies and a constituent of the MSCI Global Small Cap Index. The company has diversified interests across various financial sectors, including life, general, and health insurance; commercial and home finance; equities and commodities broking; wealth management services; distribution of financial products; asset reconstruction; proprietary investments; and other financial services activities. Renowned for its comprehensive range of services, Reliance Capital plays a significant role in India's financial landscape.


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

No. of Employees

Over 18,000

Core Team
NameDesignationSocial Links
Amitabh Jhunjhunwala
Sundeep Sikka
Executive Director & CEO
Anmol Ambani
Executive Director

Reliance Capital Revenue Stream

No revenue data available.

Reliance Capital Target Market

Client Segment

Target Sectors

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